Que tal uma pizza?

Mais uma atividade interdisciplinar. Dessa vez, os alunos do 4º ao 7º anos saborearam deliciosas pizzas enquanto aprendiam frações com o professor Sidney. E os equivalentes aos ingredientes, em inglês e espanhol com as professoras Ana Maria e Renata.

Leia um pouco sobre o tema “pizza”:

“I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t adore pizza. Though pizza is originally Italian, it sometimes feels classically American with different regions of the U.S. putting their own spins on it, claiming to have the best recipe around. No matter where you grab a slice, I think we can all agree on one thing for certain: Pizza is one of the best food ideas out there. As pizza has become more popular in America, regions of the country have taken on their own style of pizza. Here is one of the most popular: New York-Style Pizza.

New York-style pizza is characterized by its thin crust and wide pizza slices. City dwellers usually grab a slice to go and fold it up to eat while they walk. It’s said that New York-style pizza is closest to the true Italian version of pizza; the crust is traditionally hand-tossed and topped with a layer of sauce, mozzarella cheese and toppings.”


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